News — clocks made in USA

Why You Should Consider a Moon Phase Clock for Your Collection

Posted by Matthew Dallas on

Why You Should Consider a Moon Phase Clock for Your Collection
A moon phase clock is an aesthetic beauty with historical significance and educational value make it a standout addition to any clock collection

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Handmade Wall Clocks

Posted by Matthew Dallas on

Handmade Wall Clocks
In a world where with mass-produced goods are the social norm, there's something truly special about owning an item. Handcrafted clocks tell stories of creativity, dedication, and craftsmanship. 

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Folk Art Clocks

Posted by Matthew Dallas on

Folk Art Clocks
Folk art clocks continue to captivate and inspire with their beauty and charm. In a society that often seems to prioritize speed over artistry and tradition, these humble timepieces remind us to slow down and savor each moment as it passes.

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